Which types of machine employ ultrasonic sonochemistry?
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Which types of machine employ ultrasonic sonochemistry?

Publish Time: 2021-07-20     Origin: Site

Ultrasonic sonochemistry was developed in the mid to late 1980s. It is an emerging interdisciplinary subject that is a branch of chemistry research that involves the chemical effects and applications of ultrasound. Nowadays, this special subject has been applied in multiple areas. Specifically speaking, it uses the ultrasonic cavitation effect to form local hot spots that can be formed at 4000-6000K at the pressure of 100 MPa, chemical reactions are induced in the extreme microenvironment with a dramatic cooling rate of 109 K/s. So you must be wondering what exactly are the types of machine that adopts ultrasonic sonochemistry. Well, please let me introduce those machines to you in the contents below:


l  Here is the content list:

l  What are the most common types of machine that adopts ultrasonic sonochemistry?

l  What are the working principles of ultrasonic emulsifier?

l  What are the working principles of ultrasonic cell disruptor?


What are the most common types of machine that adopts ultrasonic sonochemistry?

ultrasonic sonochemistry is widely used in various industries. For example in the beverage industry, an ultrasonic emulsifier is the one that adopts ultrasonic sonochemistry. In the biological industry, an ultrasonic cell disruptor is the one that adopts ultrasonic sonochemistry. Both of the machines I mentioned above are the most common types of machines nowadays that utilize ultrasonic sonochemistry.

What are the working principles of ultrasonic emulsifier?

The key working principle of an ultrasonic emulsifier is the cavitation effect in ultrasonic sonochemistry-When the ultrasonic wave propagates in the liquid, due to the violent vibration of the liquid particles, a small cavity will be generated in the liquid. These small cavities quickly expand and close, causing violent collisions between liquid particles, resulting in pressures of thousands to tens of thousands of atmospheres. This violent interaction between the particles will cause the temperature of the liquid to rise suddenly, play a good stirring effect so that the two immiscible liquids (such as water and oil) emulsify, and accelerate the dissolution of the solute and accelerate the chemical reaction. That is why an ultrasonic emulsifier can work so efficiently.

What are the working principles of ultrasonic cell disruptor?

Ultrasonic cell disruptor, however, adopts all three main mechanisms in ultrasonic sonochemistry, which are cavitation effect, the thermal effect and mechanical effect. Specifically speaking, the principle of the ultrasonic cell disruptor is not too mysterious or too complicated. Simply put, it is to convert electrical energy into sound energy through a transducer. This energy is transformed into dense small bubbles through the liquid medium. These small bubbles burst rapidly and produce energy like small bombs, which can break the cells. And other substances. Ultrasound is an elastic mechanical wave in a material medium. It is a form of fluctuation, so it can be used to detect the physiological and pathological information of the human body, as well as diagnostic ultrasound. At the same time, it is a form of energy. When a certain dose of ultrasound is transmitted in the organism, the interaction between them can cause the function and structure of the organism to change, that is, the biological effect of ultrasound. The effects of ultrasound on cells are mainly thermal, cavitation and mechanical effects. The thermal effect is that when the ultrasound propagates in the medium, the frictional force hinders the molecular vibration caused by the ultrasound, which converts part of the energy into local hyperthermia (42-43℃), because the critical lethal temperature of normal tissue is 45.7℃, while that of tumour tissue Normal tissues are highly sensitive, so the metabolism of tumour cells is impaired at this temperature, and DNA, RNA, and protein synthesis are affected, thereby killing cancer cells while normal tissues are not affected. The cavitation effect is the formation of vacuoles in the organism under ultrasound irradiation, and mechanical shear pressure and turbulence are generated with the vibration of the vacuoles and their violent implosion, which causes the tumour to haemorrhage and the tissue to collapse and cause necrosis. Besides, instantaneous high temperature (about 5000°C) and high pressure (up to 500×104Pa) are generated when the cavitation bubble bursts, which can thermally dissociate water vapour to produce.OH radicals and. H atoms, which are composed of.OH, radicals and .H. Redox reactions caused by atoms can lead to polymer degradation, enzyme inactivation, lipid peroxidation and cell killing. The mechanical effect is the primary effect of ultrasound. The alternating compression and expansion of the medium particles during the propagation of ultrasound constitute a pressure change, which causes damage to the cell structure. The strength of the killing effect is closely related to the frequency and intensity of ultrasound.


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